Still Crazy…

Soria Moria

It’s time to leave the safe womb of the past and give birth to the future.

I have always lived between extremes and polarities. I know a lot about duality and a dualistic world-view, of inner conflicts and the battle to find my own way, my own arena, position and role.

The purpose has been, as I have been reminded of several times, to gather all the scattered aspects in my own psyche, but also to gather resources world-wide in the form of co-creators, material resources, ideas, visions and concepts for how we can organize co-creation in these turbulent, but also most exciting, times.

The Future Hero’s Journey

All is connected. All is interdependent. All is integrated in the Cosmic Web of Life.

As visionary entrepreneurs and transformative leaders we need to organize, protect, develop, to get the overview, see anything as it is, observe and analyze the details as well as the overall patterns behind the scenes, to see beyond the obvious, trying to find and establish our own “focus” – the fireplace in the family householding.

Because we live in a global village – we need to find the future focus, the common fireplace, for all humanity. We need to reclaim the basic principles for pure life, free from our conditioned minds.

Overview is crucial these times; to see and seize emerging opportunities as well as to prevent small foxes from destroying the whole garden, the ability to zoom in and zoom out – taking in the all – to separate the wheat from the chaff and come up with new answers and solutions that benefit us all (especially if they are unpopular)

The big issue in the new Global Renaissance is to develop universal consciousness and the willingness to accept and deal with the fact that we as individuals are interconnected and interdependent.

We need to find solutions and answers for ourselves on the individual level, stay close enough to share each others’ needs, desires and wishes, sorrows and pleasures with empathy, to see, understand and tolerate the individual’s perspective and motivation.

We have a lot shadow-work to do.

We also need system innovation; a new expanded world-view with a transformed mindset creating new patterns, structures, systems and institutions; we need to relate to each other in the bigger context based on a global, universal, even cosmic, consciousness.

We are all co-creators in the Cosmic Web of Life – which includes it all: What we do see, understand and know as well as the still unknown and yet not described in scientific terms or within our limited context of experiences.

A free mind is a precondition for building the new future civilization.

More than ever we need to be openminded and mature enough to cross existing borders, limitations and past traditions, dogmas and axioms. The world is one. And it has to be stated as a fact.

The new Renaissance human is a holistic, integrated person, radiating pure life and potentiality – from the union of male and female (I am not talking about genders or sexual orientations) and all paradoxes, dilemmas and contradictions in life.

The “sacred union” is neither male nor female, but the union of all life forces in nature and culture; the laser-enlightening expression of authentic life causing manifestations as a limitless variations of “realities” and continous creation.

Learning to live with everlasting change and creation is crucial for the creation of the future society and the new civilization we are about to develop and co-create. It means fusion of inner and outer strength and power; the devotion to inner vulnerability, openness and receptivity; and the determination and wholeheartedness to never give up before we have built the society we want and desire by conscious and focused manifestation, the commitment and passion to participate in what so ever our purpose is in the cosmic web of life.

We need to break away from our limited and limiting contexts. It took me almost a whole life before I realized that many of my struggles and conflicts were related to acceptance and belonging, too often more about denial than acceptance to my real self, my authentic life and natural expression, my inner core and essence.

And the reason? Because of my own assumptions, experiences, background and conditioned culture. I didn’t fit in.

Not fitting in… If you are a bit crazy and think you can do a difference, you soon will discover a couple of things:

  1. You meet resistance from everyone and everything representing the past; because the “new child” within you threatens both your own and your environment’s comfort-zone (and you are your own worst enemy)
  2. You still (hopefully) realize as the battle rolls on that you actually are a part of a future society – especially if you zoom out and look globally (at best you already know that you are a future pioneer and co-creator – then forget your past, break up and find your own path towards a sustainable and desired future society)
  3. You are not alone struggling with inner and outer conflicts. This tension between past and future in this very moment of everyday life is one of our time’s biggest challenges for human transformation and healing.

Before evolution comes transformation comes revolution

Changes can come suddenly and brutal or peaceful and almost noticeable. But crisis and conflicts are a facilitator in human transformation. Challenges and dangers are milestones along your inner hero’s journey – if you don’t close your eyes and let other decide your path and destiny.

In this process it is not enough to be “interested”. We all have to be wholehearted, devoted and committed. It’s not time for procrastination.

Todays idealists are tomorrow’s realists – And what does that tell about today’s realists…

Be happy then, all weird ones in this world – let us wire together! We represent most probably the future…

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