Global Renaissance Society
The Dawning of a New Civilization

Prepare for



NOW is the golden moment to wake up to a new reality of global interdependency and unity.

Future pioneers in all fields of society at this crossroads in human history are encouraged to prepare for a radical shift in consciousness and behavior.

To prepare for the creation of a future civilization driven by egality and fair distribution of resources.


Global Renaissance Society


Global Renaissance Society's (GRS) vision is to weave people, competence, technology and capital into a global ecosystem of purpose-driven business communities as an innovative force towards the next Renaissance - founded on cutting edge science, timeless wisdom, the arts, nature and beauty.

The next decade will be crucial for life as well as for business. What is required are new societal and business models based on universal, ecological and natural principles, and how to navigate quantum reality and beyond.

The imperative for all of humanity is an awakening to a radical shift in consciousness and behavior from separation to unity, from competition to co-creation and extended global collaboration.

We can all become creators and co-creators of a green and prosperous global society. 

The premise is that we wake up to a new reality, fully accepting our responsibility for creating a new and better world.

A World Without Boundaries

A World With Infinite Potential

Conscious Evolution
Universal Consciousness
From Separation to Unity
Feminine-Masculine Synergy 
Green and Caring Economy
Science and Spirituality
Global Co-Creation
Quantum Reality

“The great milestones of civilization always have the whiff of utopia about them at first".

Utopia for Realists
- And How We Can Get There

Rutger Bregman


Navigating quantum reality
playing with infinite potential,
the alchemy of cutting edge science,
timeless wisdom and an open heart,
the intuitive and the rational mind, 
focus and flow, male and female
parallell fixed and flexible in
eternal cosmic dance and
universal co-creation of 

Playground for
New Renaissance Beings

Dream, Explore

Collaboration Across All Boundaries
The Power of Creative Imagination

Development of Spiritual Capital
Conduct of  Creative Energy
Determined and Focused
Dedicated & Committed

Going with the Flow
Inspired Action
No Return!

Let's Join Forces!


Governance of Creativity
Transformational Leadership
New Renaissance Think Tank

Coaching and Mentoring
Education and Teaching
Evolutionary Guidance

Gaming & Gamification
Wholistic Foresighting
The New Narrative
Future Storytelling
Ecosystems Design

Holistic Healing
The Arts

Universal Ecosystem

Experimental and Exploring Arena for the Future of Life and Work

GRS Navigators
New Renaissance Workshops (Bottegas)

Interdependent Global Network of Purpose-driven Business Communities

Focus and Flow - Fixed and Flexible

Synthesis of Feminine & Masculine Qualities
Gender Dynamics

Decision-Making Support System

Knowledge Ecosystem for Foresight, Governance of Creativity, Knowledge Brokerage & Inner Wisdom

Communication Platform for Interaction, Dialogue, Conscious Pairing and Global Networking

Physical and Virtual Co-Working Spaces for Co-Creation, Empowerment and Collaboration

GRS Academy

Unleash Your Creative Genius - Developing Natural Talents and Future Intuitive Skills and Competencies

"Future Citizens"

GRS 'Gaming & Gamification Universe
World Creation

Next Renaissance Shift-Workers

Bridging the Past of Separation to a Future of Unity

Walking Your Talk

Find Your True Passion and Purpose. Commit Yourself to What You Truly Love and Burn for

Global Awakening

Ask Yourself:
How Can I Be of the Greatest Service to Humanity?

Global Renaissance Society (GRS)


The Huge Impact of Kindred Spirits Who Share the Same Vision

Knut forside

Knut Arild Hanstad

As architect and founder of the GRS ecosystem I invite kindred spirits; future pioneers, global citizens and evolutionary guides as well as conscious investors and partners for further development and co-creation of Global Renaissance Society (GRS).  

You believe in a new caring "global family" economy, in philanthropy and new financial ecosystems as the future of business and societal development, and you have a strong ecological, holistic worldview. You know that everything is interconnected and interdependent.

You are dedicated to the expansion of human consciousness and transformation, feeling a strong inner urge to bring societal innovation into all areas of society (rational inquiry and creative imagination are equal companions on the journey towards a green, thriving future). 

You are (maybe even extremely) innovative and willing to experiment - a future citizen without being lofty or "lost in transition". You love the thought of being a paradigm pioneer, breaking boundaries and rules, values and attitudes - if necessary.

You believe in a new economic order as "global house-holding", founded on human dignity, egality and fair distribution of resources. You are one of those visionaries who want to set the future agenda, not an unconscious and indifferent follower of main-stream practices (which eventually has led humanity and the planet to the edge of disaster).

You are a true rebellion on behalf of future generations. 

You are far beyond average interested in system innovation, in human transformation and genuine creativity, establishing new organizational forms, networks, businesses, projects and co-working spaces on a global scale.

Above all you are a free spirit, a creative being, curious and openminded. You are flexible, devoted, aware of and genuinely committed to your own vision and calling. Additionally you know that your next step towards fulfillment is to join efforts with the right people, a dedicated team and a global community of kindred spirits.

You are obviously an entrepreneur and societal innovator, not a hermit or nerd (even if you most probably have spent an essential part of your life as a sol-entrepreneur in order to gain insight and independency before you made up your mind to return to "serve the world"). You are now ready to unfold your unique gifts and talents, searching for the optimal environment and playground to play your role in the bigger context.

What you gain? It is tempting to quote Churchill in these "corona-times": Blood, sweat and tears. To be a pioneer is not for everyone. It takes courage, perseverance, conviction, whole-hearted devotion and focused action. But in the end the final reward is the deepest satisfaction because you chose to live authentically.

So, are you a paradigm pioneer - a future citizen - ready for a quantum leap?

Welcome to
Global Renaissance Society!

The Next Renaissance is Global

The first Renaissance gave birth to a revolution in art, science, philosophy, religion, politics and education with great influence on culture, business and economy – all areas of society were shaken in its foundations.

This first Renaissance was a creative explosion, a liberating force from restrictive dogmas and world-views. The next Renaissance is global. A profound transformation of the inner human climate of female and male values coming into equal balance will change humanity, creating a new future society.

Once again the same entrepreneurial spirit and foresight is required as "Il Magnifico" Lorenzo di Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and other visionaries at that paradigm shift in human history were role models for.

Global Renaissance Society
A United Global Nation of Future Citizens
© Global Renaissance International  2020
All Rights Reserved


This website contains copyrighted material (all rights reserved). Any unauthorized use of copyrighted material on GRS’ website is prohibited by international law. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from Power of Sight Knut Arild Hanstad.

Web: Empowered by Power of Sight